FAQ YouTube Copyright School Question And Answer To Remove Copyright Strike 2023

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YouTube Copyright School Questionestion and Answer 2023​

if you get a copyright strike, it means that a copyright owner submitted a complete and valid legal takedown reQuestionest for using their copyright-protected content. When we get this type of formal notification, we take down your video to comply with copyright law.

YouTube Copyright School Questionestion and Answer
New YouTube Copyright School Questionestion and Answer To Remove Copyright Strike 2021-22
There are three ways to resolve a copyright strike:

Wait for it to expire: Copyright strikes expire after 90 days. If it’s your first strike, you’ll need to complete Copyright School.
Get a retraction: You can get in touch with the person who claimed your video and ask them to retract their claim of copyright infringement.
Submit a counter-notification: If you think your video was removed by mistake or Questionalifies as fair use, you can submit a counter-notification.

It’s possible for music to have more than one copyright owner.
Answers: True

If a video gets removed because of a copyright infringement notification, filing a counter-notification is the only possible way to restore the video.
Answers: False

You should ask YouTube for permission to use other users’ content from the site.
Answers: True

Creating 100% original new content for YouTube will help to protect you against claims of copyright infringement.
Answers: True

Deleting a video that was removed for copyright will get rid of the associated copyright strike.
Answers: False

It is impossible for a remix or mash-up to infringe copyright.
Answers: False

If you claim fair use in the video description, your video can’t be considered copyright infringement.
Answers: False

Anyone can issue a copyright claim on behalf of someone else.
Answer: False

Copyright infringement can result in:
Answer: D

As long as you have modified the original content in some way, such as in a remix, it is always a fair use of copyrighted material and you cannot be subject to claims of copyright infringement.
Answer: False

Copyright infringement occurs when a copyrighted work is _______ without the permission of the copyright owner:
Answer: E

Copyright protects each of these individual rights. “Fair use” is a legal defense that applies in all countries.
Answer: False

Uploading a video of myself recording my favorite cover song does not reQuestionire the permission of the copyright holder.
Answer: False

Giving credit to the creator in your video’s description is enough to prevent copyright infringement from occurring.
Answer: False

As long as I have purchased the content in Questionestion, it is not possible for me to infringe copyright by uploading it to YouTube.
Answers: False

It’s fine to use someone else’s content as long as it already appears on YouTube.
Answers: False

Fair use” is a legal defense that applies in all countries.
Answers: False

The following items are NOT protected by copyright:
Answers: People

If the content is available on the Internet, it is in the public domain and therefore okays to upload to YouTube.
Answers: False

If you claim fair use in the video description, your video can’t be considered copyright infringement.
Answers: False

If the original creator of the copyrighted work has died, the work is no longer protected by copyright.
Answers: False

If you are found to be a repeat infringer, you could lose your YouTube account.
Answers: True

If you claim fair use in the video description, your video can’t be considered copyright infringement.
Answers: False

Anyone can issue a copyright claim on behalf of someone else.
Answers: False

Copyright infringement can result in:
Answers: D

As long as you have modified the original content in some way, such as in a remix, it is always a fair use of copyrighted material and you cannot be subject to claims of copyright infringement.
Answers: False

In order to determine whether specific copyrighted content is authorized to be used on YouTube, you should upload it to your account and wait for the Content ID system to block any unauthorized content.
Answers: False

Copyright infringement occurs when a copyrighted work is _______ without the permission of the copyright owner:
Answers: All of the above

If I intentionally file a false notice of alleged copyright infringement against a YouTube video (just for fun, or to cause trouble), I could be found liable for any damages caused.
Answers: True

Creating 100% original new content for YouTube will help to protect you against claims of copyright infringement.
Answers: True

Copyright protects each of these individual rights. ”Fair use” is a legal defense that applies in all countries.
Answers: False

Uploading a video of myself recording my favorite cover song does not reQuestionire the permission of the copyright holder.
Answers: False

Giving credit to the creator in your video’s description is enough to prevent copyright infringement from occurring.
Answers: False

Copyright infringement is a serious offense and violation of the law may have significant conseQuestionences.
Answers: True

Its fine to use someone else’s content as long as it already appears on YouTube.
Answers: False

If I intentionally file a false notice of alleged copyright infringement against a YouTube video (just for fun, or to cause trouble), I could be found liable for any damages caused.
Answers: True

The following things are copyrightable: names, places, faces and spaces.
Answers: False

Copyright infringement is a serious offense and violation of the law may have significant conseQuestionences.
Answers: True

Content that was once allowed by a content owner may be subseQuestionently removed from YouTube.
Answers: True

The following item(s) may be protected by copyright:
Answers: All of the above

It is okay to upload an entire cartoon episode without the authorization of the copyright owner as long as I’m just sharing it with my friends, family, and fans.
Answers: False

If someone alleges that you have infringed their copyright and you are certain that this is not the case, you may:
Answers: File a counter-notification

Copyright protection is only given to major film, television or recording corporations who pay for the privilege.
Answers: False

You should ask YouTube for permission to use other users’ content from the site.
Answers: False

You should ask YouTube for permission to use other users’ content from the site.
Answer: False

Content that was once allowed by a content owner may be subseQuestionently removed from YouTube.
Answer: True

The following item is protected by copyright:
Answer: Your original YouTube video

The following items are NOT protected by copyright:
Answer: People

If I intentionally file a false notice of alleged copyright infringement against a YouTube video (just for fun, or to cause trouble), I could be found liable for any damages caused.
Answer: True

If a video gets removed because of a copyright infringement notification, filing a counter-notification is the only possible way to restore the video.
Answer: False

If the content is available on the Internet, it is in the public domain and therefore okay to upload to YouTube.
Answer: False

As long as I have purchased the content in Questionestion, it is not possible for me to infringe copyright by uploading it to YouTube.
Answer: False

As long as I have purchased the content in Questionestion, it is not possible for me to infringe copyright by uploading it to YouTube.
Answer: False

It’s fine to use someone else’s content as long as it already appears on YouTube.
Answer: False

It’s fine to use someone else’s content as long as it already appears on YouTube.
Answer: False

“Fair use” is a legal defense that applies in all countries.

Answer: False
The following items are NOT protected by copyright:
Answer: B

The following things are copyrightable: names, places, faces and spaces.
Answers: False

The following item is protected by copyright:
Answers: Your original YouTube video

If you claim fair use in the video description, your video can’t be considered copyright infringement.
Answers: False

All uses of copyrighted content without permission of the owner are considered copyright infringement.
Answers: False

If someone alleges that you have infringed their copyright, you will receive a notification:
Answers: Both A & B

If you misuse YouTube’s counter-notification process:
Answers: Your YouTube account will be terminated

It’s fine to use someone else’s content as long as it already appears on YouTube.
Answers: False

If the content is available on the Internet, it is in the public domain and therefore okay to upload to YouTube.
Answer: False

If you claim fair use in the video description, your video can’t be considered copyright infringement.
Answer: False

If the original creator of the copyrighted work has died, the work is no longer protected by copyright.
Answer: False

If you are found to be a repeat infringer, you could lose your YouTube account.
Answer: True

If you claim fair use in the video description, your video can’t be considered copyright infringement.
Answer: False

Copyright infringement is a serious offense and violation of the law may have significant conseQuestionences.
Answer: True

It’s fine to use someone else’s content as long as it already appears on YouTube.
Answer: False

In order to determine whether specific copyrighted content is authorized to be used on YouTube, you should upload it to your account and wait for the Content ID system to block any unauthorized content.
Answer: False

The following things are copyrightable: names, places, faces and spaces.

Answer: False

The Following Item are NOT Protected by Copyright.?
Answer: People.

People are not protected by Copyright.?
Answer: Sorry.

you Should ask YouTube for permission to use other users’ content from the site.?
Answer: False.

Content that was once allowed by a content owner may be subseQuestionently removed from YouTube.
Answer: True.

The following item is protected by copyright.?
Answer: Your Original YouTube Video.

If I intentionally file a false notice of alleged copyright infringement against a YouTube video Just for fun, or to cause trouble I could be found liable for any damages caused.?
Answer: True.

It is impossible for a remix or mashup to infringe copyright.?
Answer: False.

If a video gets removed because of a copyright infringement notification, filing a counter-notification is the only possible way to restore the video.?
Answer: False.

If the content is available on the Internet does not mean that it is in the public domain and therefore okay to upload to YouTube.?
Answer: False.

As long as I have purchased the content in Questionestion, it is not possible for me to infringe copyright by uploading it to YouTube.?
Answer: False.

Deleting a video that was removed for copyright will get rid of the associated copyright strike.?
Answer: False.

It is impossible for a remix or mashup to infringe copyright.?
Answer: False.

If you claim fair use in the video description, your video can’t be considered copyright infringement.?
Answer: False.

As long as I have purchased the content in Questionestion, it is not possible for me to infringe copyright by uploading it to YouTube.?
Answer: False.

It’s fine to use someone else’s content as long as it it already appears on YouTube.?
Answer: False.

The following items are NOT protected by copyright.?
Answer: B.

“Fair Use” is a legal defense that applies in all counties.?
Answer: False.

If the content is available on the Internet, it is in the public domain and therefore okay to upload to YouTube.?
Answer: False.

If you claim fair use in the video description, your video can’t be considered copyright infringement.?
Answer: False.

If the original creator of the copyrighted work has died, the work is no longer protected by copyright.?
Answer: False.

If you are found to be a repeat infringe, you could lose your YouTube Account.?
Answer: True.

If you claim fair use in the video description, your video can’t be considered copyright infringement.?
Answer: False.

Anyone can issue a copyright claim on behalf of someone else.?
Answer: False.

Copyright infringement can result in.?
Answer: D

As long as you have modified the original content in some way, such as in a remix, it is always a fair use of copyrighted material and cannot be subject to claims of copyright infringement.?
Answer: False.

Copyright infringement occurs when a copyrighted work is without the permission of the copyright owner.?
Answer: E.

Copyright protects each of these individual rights. “Fair Use” is a legal defense that applies in all countries.?
Answer: False.

Uploading a video of myself recording my favorite cover song does not reQuestionire the permission of the copyright holder.?
Answer: False.

Giving credit to the creator in your video’s description is enough to prevent copyright infringement from occurring.?
Answer: False.

Copyright infringement is a serious offense and violation of the law may have significant conseQuestionences.?
Answer: True.

It’s fine to use someone else’s content as long as it already appears on YouTube.?
Answer: False.

In order to determine whether specific copyrighted content is authorized to be used on YouTube, you should upload it to your account and wait for the Content ID system to block any unauthorized content.?
Answer: False.

The following things are copyrightable: Names, Places, Faces, and Spaces.?
Answer: False.

The Following things are copyrightable: Name, Places, faces, and spaces.?
Answer: False.

If you claim fair use in the video description, your video description, your video can’t be considered copyright infringement.?
Answer: False.

All uses of copyright content without permission of the owner are considered copyright infringement.?
Answer: False.

If someone alleges that you have infringed their copyright, you will receive a notification.?
Answer: Both A and B.

It’s fine to use someone else’s content as long as it already appears on YouTube.?
Answer: False.

It’s Possible for music to have more than one copyright owner.?
Answer: True.

If a video gets removed because of a copyright infringement notification, filing a counter-notification is the only possible way to restore the video.?
Answer: False.

You should ask YouTube for permission to use other user’s content from the site.?
Answer: True.

Creating 100% original new content YouTube will help to protect you against claims of copyright infringement.?
Answer: True.

Deleting a video that was removed for copyright will get rid of the associated copyright strike.?
Answer: False.

It is impossible for a remix or mashup to infringe copyright.?
Answer: False.

If you claim fair use in the video description, your video can’t be considered copyright infringement.?
Answer: False.

As long as I have purchased the content in Questionestion, it is not possible for me to infringe copyright by uploading it to YouTube.?
Answer: False.

Fair use is a legal defense that applies in all countries.?
Answer: False.

It’s fine to use someone else’s content as long as if already appears on YouTube.?
Answer: False.

The following items are NOT Protected by Copyright.?
Answer: People.

If the content is available on the Internet, it is in the public domain and therefore okays to YouTube.?
Answer: False.

If you claim fair use in the video description, your video can’t be considered copyright infringement.?
Answer. False.

If the original creator of the copyrighted work has died, the work is no longer protected by copyright.?
Answer: False.

If you are found to be a repeat infringe, you could lose your YouTube account.?
Answer: True.

If you claim fair use in the video description, your video can’t be considered copyright infringement.?
Answer: False.

Anyone can issue a copyright claim on behalf of someone else.?
Answer: False.

Copyright infringement can result in:?
Answer; D.

As long as you have modified the original content in some way such as in a remix it is always a fair use of copyrighted material and you cannot be subject to a claim of copyright infringement.?
Answer: False.

In order to determine whether specific copyrighted content is authorized to be used on YouTube, you should upload it to your account and wait for the Content ID system to block any unauthorized content.?
Answer: False.

Copyright infringement occurs when a copyrighted work is without the permission of the copyright owner.?
Answer: All of the above.

If intentionally file a false notice of alleged copyright infringement against a YouTube video just for fun, or cause trouble I could be found liable for any damages caused.?
Answer: True.

Creating 100% original new content for YouTube will help to protect you against claims of copyright infringement.?
Answer: True.

Copyright protects each of these individual rights. Fair use is a legal defense that applies in all countries.?
Answer: False.

Uploading a video of myself recording my favorite cover song does not reQuestionire the permission of the copyright holder.?
Answer: False.

Giving credit to the creator in the description of your video is enough to prevent copyright infringement from occurring.?
Answer: False.

Copyright infringement is a serious offense and violation of the law may have significant conseQuestionences.?
Answer: True.

It’s fine to use someone else’s content as long as it already appears on YouTube.?
Answer: False.

If i intentionally file a false notice of alleged copyright infringement against a YouTube video just for fun or the cause trouble i could be found liable for any damages caused.?
Answer: True.

The following things are copyright-able name, places, faces, and spaces,?
Answer: False.

Copyright infringement is a serious offense and violation of the law may have significant conseQuestionences.?
Answer: True.

Content that was once allowed by a content owner may be subseQuestionently removed from YouTube.?
Answer: True.

The following item may be protected by copyright.?
Answer: All of the Above.

It is okay to upload an entire cartoon episode without the authorization of the copyright owner as long as I am just sharing it with my friends family and fans.?
Answer: False.

If Someone alleges that you have infringed their copyright and you are certain that this is not the case, you may.?
Answer: File a counter-notification.

Copyright protection is only given to major film television or recording corporations who pay for the privilege.?
Answer: False.

You should ask YouTube for permission to use other users’ content from the site.?
Answer: False.

Questionestion: Anyone can issue a copyright claim on behalf of someone else.

Answer: False

Questionestion: If I intentionally file a false notice of alleged copyright infringement against a YouTube video (just for fun, or to cause trouble), I could be found liable for any damages caused.

Answer: True

Questionestion: Creating 100% original new content for YouTube will help to protect you against claims of copyright infringement.

Answer: True

Questionestion: Copyright infringement is a serious offense and violation of the law may have significant conseQuestionences.

Answer: True

Questionestion: “Fair use” is a legal defense that applies in all countries.

Answer: False

Questionestion: If someone alleges that you have infringed their copyright, you will receive a notification:

a) In your account
b) In your email
c) Both A & B
d) Via text message
Answer: Both A & B

Questionestion: If someone alleges that you have infringed their copyright and you are certain that this is not the case, you may:

a) Reupload the video
b) Delete the video
c) File a counter-notification
d) Download the video
Answer: File a counter-notification

Questionestion: Copyright protection is only given to major film, television, or recording corporations who pay for the privilege.

Answer: False

Questionestion: As long as you have modified the original content in some way, such as in a remix, it is always a fair use of copyrighted material and you cannot be subject to claims of copyright infringement.

Answer: False

Questionestion: If you misuse YouTube’s counter-notification process:

a) Your YouTube account will be terminated
b) You could end up in court
c) Both a) and b)
Answer: Both a) and b)

Questionestion: Content that was once allowed by a content owner may be subseQuestionently removed from YouTube.

Answer: True

Questionestion: Copyright infringement occurs when a copyrighted work is ________ without the permission of the copyright owner:

a) Reproduced
b) Distributed
c) Performed
d) Publicly displayed
e) All of the above
Answer: All of the above

Questionestion: The following item(s) may be protected by copyright:

a) Musical Works
b) Videos
c) Photographs
d) All of the above
Answer: All of the above

Questionestion: It is okay to upload an entire cartoon episode without the authorization of the copyright owner as long as I’m just sharing it with my friends, family and fans.

Answer: False

Questionestion: It is impossible for a remix or mashup to infringe copyright.

Answer: False

Questionestion: Giving credit to the creator in your video’s description is enough to pvent copyright infringement from occurring.

Answer: False

Questionestion: It’s fine to use someone else’s content as long as it already appears on YouTube.

Answer: False

Questionestion: All uses of copyrighted content without permission of the owner are considered copyright infringement.

Answer: False

Questionestion: If the content is available on the Internet, it is in the public domain and therefore okay to upload to YouTube.

Answer: False

Questionestion: If you claim fair use in the video description, your video can’t be considered copyright infringement.

Answer: False

Questionestion: If you are found to be a repeat infringer, you could lose your YouTube account.

Answer: True

Questionestion: If the original creator of the copyrighted work has died, the work is no longer protected by copyright.

Answer: False

Questionestion: The following things are copyrightable: names, places, faces and spaces.

Answer: False

Questionestion: Deleting a video that was removed for copyright will get rid of the associated copyright strike.

Answer: False

Questionestion: If a video gets removed because of a copyright infringement notification, filing a counter-notification is the only possible way to restore the video.

Answer: False

Questionestion: In order to determine whether specific copyrighted content is authorized to be used on YouTube, you should upload it to your account and wait for the Content ID system to block any unauthorized content.

Answer: False

Questionestion: You should ask YouTube for permission to use other users’ content from the site.

Answer: True

Questionestion: The following items are NOT protected by copyright:

a) Videos
b) People
c) Photographs
d) Musical works
Answer: People

Questionestion: The following item is protected by copyright:

a) Your name
b) Your original idea
c) Your original YouTube video
d) Your cat
Answer: Your original YouTube video

Questionestion: Copyright infringement can result in:

a) Monetary damages (fines)
b) Legal fees
c) Termination of your YouTube account
d) All of the above
Answer: All of the above

Copyright strike basics All Questionestions With Answers
The Following Things Are Copyrightable Names Place Faces and space
Answer False

The Following Item Is Protected By Copyright
Your Orignal Youtube Video

If you claim fair use in the video description, your video can’t be considered copyright infringement
Ans) False

All uses of copyrighted content without permission of the owner are considered copyright infringement
(4 Ans) False

(5 Questione) If someone alleges that you have infringed their copyright, you will receive a notification
(5 Ans) Both A&B

(6 Question) If you misuse YouTube’s counter-notification process
(6 Ans) Your YouTube account will be terminated

(7 Questione) It’s fine to use someone else’s content as long as it already appears on YouTube
(7 An) False

(8 Question) It’s possible for music to have more than one copyright owner
(8 Ans) True

(9 Question) If a video gets removed because of a copyright infringement notification, filing a counter-notification is the only possible way to restore the video
(9 Ans) False

(10 Question) You should ask YouTube for permission to use other users’ content from the site
(10 Ans) True

(11 Question) Creating 100% original new content for YouTube will help to protect you against claims of copyright infringement
(11 Ans) True

(12 Question) Deleting a video that was removed for copyright will get rid of the associated copyright strike
(12 Ans) False

(13 Question) It is impossible for a remix or mashup to infringe copyright
(13 Ans) False

(14 Question) As long as I have purchased the content in Questionestion, it is not possible for me to infringe copyright by uploading it to YouTube
(14 Ans) False

(15 Question) It’s fine to use someone else’s content as long as it already appears on YouTube
(15 Ans) False

(16 Question) Fair use” is a legal defense that applies in all countries
(16 Ans) false

(17 Question) The following items are NOT protected by copyright
(17 Ans) People

(18 Question) If the content is available on the Internet, it is in the public domain and therefore okays to upload to YouTube
(18 Ans) False

(19 Question) If the original creator of the copyrighted work has died, the work is no longer protected by copyright
(19 Ans) False

(20 Questionestion) If you are found to be a repeat infringer, you could lose your YouTube account
(20 Answer) True

(21 Question) Anyone can issue a copyright claim on behalf of someone else
(21 Ans) False

(22 Question) Copyright infringement can result in
(22 Ans) D

(23 Question) As long as you have modified the original content in some way, such as in a remix, it is always a fair use of copyrighted material and you cannot be subject to claims of copyright infringement
(23 Ans) False

(24 Question) In order to determine whether specific copyrighted content is authorized to be used on YouTube, you should upload it to your account and wait for the Content ID system to block any unauthorized content
(24 Ans) False

(25 Question) Copyright infringement occurs when a copyrighted work is__without the permission of the copyright owner
(25 Ans) All of the above

(26 Question) If I intentionally file a false notice of alleged copyright infringement against a YouTube video (just for fun, or to cause trouble), I could be found liable for any damages caused
(26 Ans) True

(27 Question) Creating 100% original new content for YouTube will help to protect you against claims of copyright infringement
(27 Ans) True

(28 Question) Copyright protects each of these individual rights. ”Fair use” is a legal defense that applies in all countries
(28 Ans) False

(29 Question) Uploading a video of myself recording my favorite cover song does not reQuestionire the permission of the copyright holder
(29 Ans) False

(30 Question) Giving credit to the creator in your video’s description is enough to prevent copyright infringement from occurring
(30 Ans) False

(31 Questione) Copyright infringement is a serious offense and violation of the law may have significant conseQuestionences
(31 Ans) True

(32 Question) It’s fine to use someone else’s content as long as it already appears on YouTube
(32 Ans) False

(33 Question) If I intentionally file a false notice of alleged copyright infringement against a YouTube video (just for fun, or to cause trouble), I could be found liable for any damages caused
(33 Ans) True

(34 Question) The following things are copyrightable: names, places, faces and spaces
(34 Ans) False

(35 Question) Copyright infringement is a serious offense and violation of the law may have significant conseQuestionences
(35 Ans) True

If your channel is part of the YouTube Partner Program, you’re eligible for a 7 day courtesy period. After 3 copyright strikes, you’ll have 7 additional days to act before your channel is disabled. During this period, your copyright strikes won’t expire and you can’t upload new videos. Your channel will remain life and you can access it to seek a resolution for your strikes. If you submit a counter-notification, your channel won’t be disabled while the counter-notification is unresolved. If the counter-notification is resolved in your favor, or the claim is retracted, your channel won’t be impacted.

Geeks-board.com does not own this book/materials, neither created nor scanned. we provide the links which are already available on the internet. For any Questionarries, Disclaimer is reQuestionested to kindly contact us – boardgeeks7@gmail.com Or Contact us This copy was provided for students who are financially troubled but deserving to learn to thank You

we don’t support piracy this copy was provided for students who are financially poor but deserve more to learn. Thank you